Welcome message

Hey look at me...I'm a blogger! What the heck is a blog anyway? The simplest way to describe it is as my personal journal that’s not so personal because I share it with everyone in the world. This blog is called “According to Dan” and focuses on:
- helping you become a better communicator
- helping you elevate your career
- Current events and life issues that got my attention
- and my golf game - maybe you can send me some short game tips ;-]

My mission is that you to will learn, enjoy, and be challenged by my posts. You may find yourself informed, amused, or even agitated, but I hope it will improve some aspect of your life.

Monday, January 28, 2008

Data Backup

Backing up your data has become more important than ever in this technological business world. It's an issue I constantly discuss with my clients. If you do any speaking, consulting, or maybe you're an author, you know the survivability of your business may depend on your backup.

Of course, I need to practice what I preach so I'm always looking for more efficient and inexpensive ways to do this. My friend and mentor Scott Simmonds has devoted two recent blog posts about data backup. You can read his blogs by clicking here. He mentions a new service he has been using that's Internet based and costs only $50 per year. I'm interested, especially with a free 30-day trial. I know what my homework tonight is going to be!

Make sure you are doing all you can to protect your valuable computer media. In the end, it's far more valuable than the hardware.


P.S. If you live in the Greater Seattle area, you have the opportunity to take part in my next live The Bull Stops Here workshop. It's all about disaster - how to avoid it and how to survive it. To learn more and to register, click here...

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